Sound Touch -Touch Sound all around the world app for iPhone and iPad

4.4 ( 4464 ratings )
Music Education Entertainment
Developer: AppsNice
0.99 USD
Current version: 1.3.1, last update: 6 years ago
First release : 18 Jan 2014
App size: 215.39 Mb

Sound Touch - Best Music & Sound App for Baby, Kids & for Fun. (Universal Apps)

--1-- PLAY MUSIC : Piano, Xylophone, Steel Drum, Organ, Saxophone, Flute, Bubble Pop.

--2-- Over 720 Amazing Photo & Sound of Animals, Birds, Vechicles, Musical Instruments, Household, Human, Natural & Other.

7 Package Includes:
bat, bear, bee, brownbear, camel, cat, cheeta, chimpanzee, cicada, cow, crickets, crocodile, deer, dog, dolphin, donkey, duck, elephant, fox, frog, gibbon, giraffe, goat, gooses, gorilla, guineapig, hen, hippo, horse, hyena, jaguar, kangaroo, leopard, lion, mandrill, monkey, monkeycolobus, moose, mouse, oragutan, orcas, panda, penguin, pig, polarbear, puma, rattlesnake, rhino, ringrailedlemur, rooster, seal, sealion, sheep, snake, squirrel, tiger, toad, whale, wolf, zebra

amsel, canary, crow, divingbird, eagle, egret, finch, flamingo, gkinbird, goatsucker, gobble, greensucker, heron, houseparrow, kestrela, kookaburra, lark, meadowlark, myna, nightingale, oriole, ovenbird, owl, parrot, peacock, pheasant, pigeon, plover, purfin, quail, raven, redmouthbird, regulusjaponicus, robin, rufous, seagull, swallow, swan, tangara, tern, toucan, towhee, vireo, vulture, woodpecker, wwarb, zorzal

amburance, backingup, bicyclehorn, bomber, car, carpeelingout, carstating, copcar, crashauto, eurosiren, fighterjet, firecar, gokart, helicopter, hornbikeclown, idleengine, motor, motorharley, plane, policesiren, pontiac, race, redalert, reverse, ship, sonar, sportcar, startingcar, startingflooded, submarine, takeoff, traffic, train, truck, ufo

accordion, bambooflute, banjo, bongo, bugle, castanets, cello, chimes, clarinet, conga, cowbell, cymbals, dinnerbell, ditty, durm, flute, gong, guitar, mbira, oboe, organ, piano, pipa, reveille, sandball, saxophone, shaker, speaker, steeldrum, synth, trang, trumpet, urheen, violin, xylophone

alarmbeep, alarmbell, alarmburglar, alarmclockbeep, alarmclockbell, alarmsmokedetect, alarmwarning, arcwelder, arrow, ballonsqueak, bell, bicyclebell, blender, blowdryer, blowtorch, boxingbell, brokenglasses, bubblepop, bubbles, bulletimpact, buzzerbutton, camera, cashregister, chainsaw, clocktown, coin, corkwines, cuckoo, cupwater, cutvegetable, dentistdrill, dingding, door, doorbell, doorknock, drill, fax, foghorn, gavel, glass, glassesclink, hammer, jackhammer, laserlight, lawnmower, lightbulbbreak, lighter, metalcrash, metalwork, modemdial, oldphonering, pager, partyfavor, phonebeep, phonedialtone, phoneerro, phoneoffhook, phnoering, powertool, printer, ringtone, rotarydial, rubberduck, saw, sawood, schoolbell, scissor, shower, smallbell, sodacancrinkle, sodacanfall, sodacankicked, stapler, switch, sword, teapot, timer, toilet, typing, vacuumcleaner, vibratetular, water, whistle, whistleblow, windowbreak, zipper

ahoo, arrgirl, babingcooing, babycry, babylaugh, bisou, bitefood, booing, burp, cheering, chomp, clap, correct, coughgirl, coughman, daggy, deepbreathe, evillaugh, excellent, excuseme, fabulous, fart, fun, giggle, goaaal, goodwork, great, heartbeatfast, heartbeatnormal, heeya, hello, heybaby, hiccup, hitarrr, hoho, jump, kidcheer, kideeya, kidhiya, kiss, lady, laughchild, laughfirl, laughfun, laughgirl, laughgroup, laughjoker, laughkid, laughsnowman, lip, neener, no, nyucknyuck, oh, ohmygod, ohno, ok, onesmallstep, politeapplause, referee, rinsing, scream, shaving, shh, sighgirl, sighman, slam, slap, sneeze, snore, swallowing, talkingmany, tapdancing, tarzan, toothbrush, unlike, whistling, whizzer, woohoo, woow, wow, wowww, yawn, yeehaa, yodel, yuck

firecracker, frework, jungle, night, ocean, rain, rainforest, sandstorm, splash, aplat, storm, thunderclap, thunderstorm, wind, bomb, cannons, effect, fly, gunmachine, gunrifle, gunshot, handcuffs, heartmonitor, laser, lasergun, nijastar, star, swing, up, updown, wasp, whipcrackbullwhip, zippy, zoomsplat, zoop